Artist Billy Tjampitjinpa Kenda
Title Horse Lookin’ for Water Out in the Bush
Year 2022

Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions 21.5 × 91.5 cm
Art Centre Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists →

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Billy Tjampitjinpa Kenda

Billy Tjampitjinpa Kenda is from Jay Creek in Tjoritja (West MacDonnell Ranges), his mother’s country. His father was a Ngaatjatjarra man from Docker River. Billy started painting in the Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artist Studio in 2004. Primarily painting Jay Creek, Billy creates landscapes where the various textures of rocks and flora play against each other in a vivid pattern. Billy’s ability to evoke the beauty of the Central Desert in his paintings demonstrates his strong connection to his country.

Artist statement

My grandfather was telling me to paint. Long time ago, he painted. He was teaching me about painting when I was a young boy. He liked to paint countryside. Bill Okai. My mother, Mona Okai, she was painting, she painted anything, she painted dot work. She passed away, long time ago.