Artist Clifford Thompson
Title Lookout!
Year 2022

Mixed media on found object

Dimensions 83 × 57.5 × 13.5 cm
Art Centre Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Culture Centre →

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Clifford Thompson

Clifford Thompson was brought up in Alekarenge. His mother’s country is Karlu Karlu and his father’s country is Jarrah Jarrah. He belongs to the Kaytetye language group. Clifford is a key member of the Tennant Creek Brio artist collective. Clifford works predominantly with found objects, ceramics, Masonite board, and canvas, upon which he experiments with mesmerising spatial patterning.

Artist statement

Lookout! is an experiment with found objects, enamel paint, and sculptural form. Clifford Thompson enjoys both painting and sculpture for its meditative qualities – mediums through which he is able to connect with country and remember his ancestors. The various objects that make up this sculpture were salvaged from Tennant Creek, and a nearby abandoned mine.